This session will emphasize the importance of collaboration among stakeholders in developing and
implementing consistent payment integrity metrics. Participants will explore strategies to improve data
sharing, standardize measurement methodologies, and enhance fraud detection efforts.

Monique Pierce
Monique started her Payment Integrity career in COB at Oxford HealthPlans. After the merger with UnitedHealthcare, she led multiple teams and was responsible for creating innovative programs. Monique joined SCIO Health Analytics in 2014 and was responsible for system and process improvements before being promoted to VP of client engagement and business optimization In 2020, Monique joined start-up Devoted Health and created a full suite of programs from the ground up. Based on a passion for metrics and measuring performance, she centralized and standardized all programs reducing implementation time and maximizing savings. Today, Monique is driving opportunities to improve claim payment by designing and developing new prior auth and claim reconciliation products at Cohere Health.
- An overview of the most significant fraud trends and payment integrity technologies and strategies going into 2025.

Kelly Bennett, JD, CFE, AHFI
Kelly Bennett graduated from the University of Tampa and Florida State University College of Law. She has been a member of the Florida Bar since 1997 and is a Certified Fraud Examiner and an Accredited Health Care Fraud Investigator. She has worked at the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration since 2001 and has served in several roles, including as a Senior Attorney within the Medicaid Division of the Office of the General Counsel, the Assistant Bureau Chief for the Bureau of Medicaid Program Integrity, the Agency’s Medicaid
Fraud Liaison, and is currently the Chief of Medicaid Program Integrity, where she has served since July of 2014. She is currently the President for the National Association for Medicaid Program Integrity and is an active participant in training and collaboration initiatives with the National Health Care Antifraud Association.

Benjamin Hoffman
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Edward Thomas
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