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Discussion around the alarming rise of unnecessary lab tests, and the money wasted with this. Implementing robust payment integrity measures to combat such waste and fraud.

This session will focus on:

  • California’s efforts to combat fraud, waste and abuse in Medi-Cal, California’s Medicaid program.
  • How California is exploiting available data and data sharing opportunities for purposes of Medicaid
    program integrity objectives.

  • A summary of program integrity best practices from the perspective of a Medicaid Program Integrity Director.

  • California’s future vision with regards to the use of data and data analytics to support its Medi-Cal fraud-control strategy.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Obtain program integrity best practices that can be leveraged by the participating entity.
  • Discover new ways to exploit data to identify and develop actionable leads.

  • Performance metrics and return on investment – ways to measure success.

This session will bring together payers and providers to discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by healthcare mandates and electronic medical record systems. Participants will explore strategies for effective collaboration to improve patient care and reduce administrative burdens.