Heather Wasserman

Ailis Tweed-Kent
Dr. Ailis Tweed-Kent is an up-and-coming entrepreneur and leader in the development of innovative medical technologies. With her education in medicine at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and residency in internal medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Ailis has first-hand knowledge of the burden of disease. In 2013, Ailis was inspired by her patients to found Cocoon to develop innovative silk therapeutics for osteoarthritis. Prior to Cocoon, she worked on the design, development, and delivery of diagnostic technologies for global health collaborating with organizations such as PEPFAR/Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, and the Global Health Delivery Project. She brings a multidisciplinary approach with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame.

Dorothy Brown
Dottie is the lead executional scientist for TCMR at Eli Lilly/Elanco. TCMR facilitates companion animal studies designed to de-risk assets in the Lilly pipeline, as well as assets of potential Lilly partners. At the University of Pennsylvania, Dottie led a sponsored translational research program focusing on the development of outcome assessment instruments for chronic pain in companion animals and applying those instruments to translational studies evaluating the efficacy of novel interventions, such as targeted neurotoxins, in dogs with naturally occurring bone cancer or osteoarthritis. At Eli Lilly/Elanco, she now directs companion animal studies across institutions in order to leverage high quality, systematic translational data with the goal of improving both human and animal health.