Jordi Estelle

Jana Seifert
Professor Jana Seifert is a Junior Professor at Hohenheim University. Her current research interests include investigating the influence of feed supplementation with inorganic phosphorous and/or microbial phytases towards the formation of inositol phosphates and the composition of the intestinal microbiota in chicken and pigs.

Hauke Smidt
Prof. Dr. Hauke Smidt (1967) holds a Personal Chair at the WU-MIB and leads the Microbial Ecology Group that focuses on the integrated application of innovative cultivation and functional genomics-based methods to study composition and activity of a.o. intestinal tract microbiota in humans, farm and model animals, as well as their interaction with their host, in relation to host nutrition and health. Hauke Smidt has recently coordinated the EU-FP7 funded project INTERPLAY focusing on the interplay between intestinal microbiota and intestinal development and health in pigs, and is leader of the microbiomics platform and Theme Council member at TI Food & Nutrition.
Hauke Smidt currently supervises 20 PhD students in national and EU projects, including 11 PhD students working on intestinal microbiota of humans and farm animals. Hauke Smidt has recently coordinated the EU-FP7 funded project INTERPLAY focusing on the interplay between intestinal microbiota and intestinal development and health in pigs, is member of the Management Team of the National BE-Basic program, and has been Senior Scientist and Theme Council member at TI Food & Nutrition.
Hauke Smidt has (co-)authored over 230 peer-reviewed publications, with an ISI WoS H-factor of currently 48. He is (co-)inventor of several patents, and is member of the Editorial Board of several journals, including PlosOne, PeerJ and Microbial Ecology.
In 2008, Hauke Smidt has been appointed Visiting Professor at Nanjing Agricultural University, and since 2010, he holds a Personal Chair in “Complex Microbial Ecosystems” at Wageningen University.
At WU-MIB, research of the Smidt group has been involved in a broad range of international and national projects (EU FP6-HealthyPigGut, FP7-MetaHit, FP7-CrossTalk, FP7-ProMicrobe, ZonMW MetaResist, FP7-EvoTar, TIFN GI-Health, NWO-Farm Animal Health, DSM-STW partnership, CCC Carbohealth) that focus on the intestinal microbiome of humans and production animals, and evolution and spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria and their genes, following a OneHealth philosophy that links environmental, human and animal health.